Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (SSDI) is a program for disabled individuals who have worked in recent years.It is Also known as a Title II claim, or as Social Security Disability (SSDI), Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (RSDI), or Retirement, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance (RSDHI). These benefits are available for the insured worker, and, in many cases, the worker’s dependents or survivors.

To qualify for this type of benefit, the disabled individual must have disability insured status, or enough quarters of coverage (QCs) based on his or her earnings under Social Security. This generally means he or she must have earned income for five out of the last 10 years in most cases. If the disability occurs before the age of 31, the requirements are different, but there must be at least six quarters of coverage. At least six but not more than 40 QCs are required to be fully insured.

To be eligible to receive SSDI benefits, it does not matter if an individual is rich or poor. If a claimant is found disabled, the amount of benefits he will receive is based on how much he has “paid in” to the system, depending on how much he has worked and earned in the past. Benefits cannot begin until five months have passed after the person becomes disabled. Back benefits will not be paid more than one year prior to the date of the claim.

Read more on our Benefits page.